11. Which colour component of white light is deviated the most through a prism
A. Red
B. Yellow
C. Blue
D. Violet

12. A 1000w heater is used every day for 90 minutes. This heater will consume units of electrical energy in 30 days
A. 45 units
B. 90 units
C. 30 units
D. 60 units

13. A magnetic field line
A. is the path along which a free north pole tend to move
B. is the path along which a free iron particle tends to move
C. is the path along which a magnetic needle tends to move
D. is the path along which a line is traced

14. The process of separating suspended impurities from water is known as
A. Loading
B. Unloading
C. Distillation
D. Demineralisation

15. Copper obtained from copper pyrite is called blister copper. Gas responsible for the formation of blister is
A. CO2
C. NO2
D. SO2

16. BSNL is
A. Public Telecom Company
C. A Pvt. Organisation
D. A Multi National Company (MNC)

17. Which part of the plant evaporates water?
A. Stomata.
B. Fruit.
C. Branch.
D. Root.

18. The relative atomic masses of many elements are not whole numbers because -
A. elements are mixtures of isotopes.
B. elements are mixtures of isobars.
C. elements have fractional absolute masses.
D. all elements are not in gaseous state.

19. Which climatic region has the least temperature range?
A. Equatorial region
B. Monsoon region
C. Tropical region
D. Tundra region

20. The evaporation of water takes place from the leaves of the plants. The process is called
A. Evaporation
B. Transpiration
C. De-humidification
D. Fumigation

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