- Aptitude Test
- Domain Test(Electrical Engineering)
Aptitude Test:-
Consisting of 55 questions
20 verbal reasoning
- 5 synonyms based
- 3 articles based
- 2 prepositions based
- 2passage consisting 5 questions each.
15 General
Domain Test:-
- For electrical engineering 60 question.
- Most questions are asked from circuit theory.
- Three question are of theorem statement i.e. Statement is given and you should give the name of that theorem.
- Three question of Norton and Thevenin's theorem
- One question of control system-what is the transfer function of circuit consisting of resistance and capacitance in series.
- 5 to 10 question of dc motor.
- 5 to 10 question of indstrument basis like dynamo meter,wattmeter etc
- One question of phasor diagram of circuit consisting of capacitor.
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